Anjali - A Woman Scarred for a Lifetime!

Anjali-A Woman Scarred for a Lifetime!

Sometimes though we see the truth right in front of our eyes and still do not want to believe it. We are so blissful in our state of denial that the rose tinted glasses actually turn us blind. Off late Anjali looks like the best example of that to me.

 She has been called Poojali, paranoid, stupid, dumb and god knows what not in the recent past. But in the last episode I felt extremely sorry for her when I realized it is not her fault that she is the way she is. Well, sorry to burst the bubble, but god doesn't endow all of us with the same pack of brains and heart and that's where the problem arises.

So many of us who love the show want to salvage it in the best way we can. Some write petitions, some vent, some watch it anyway despite not liking it while the rest choose to just shut their TV screens off. Why blame Anjali alone then? All she did since forever was to love her brother, love her mother, love her family and most importantly love her husband. Whether you accept it or not, Shyam was the only man who actually pulled her out of her insecurities from the past.

For a woman who had to meet with the shock of her parents death during her wedding, Shyam walked in as a saving grace. He was a man who was always seen doting on her, taking care of her at every point making it seem like she were the be all and end all of his existence.

There was hence no reason for Anjali to believe her husband could be a bad man.When I started to watch the show, I always thought Shyam was someone who didnt love his wife. But with time I realised, it was just that. He was an evil, lecherour man, with no heart.

Anjali's brothers may have accused her husband of infidelity, and her mami may have supported the fact, but the first symptom of loving someone so deep is to disobey. Anjali loves her brother and is happy for him, but she hopes deep down that he would understand her plight and state of mind too. She doesn't carry the guts to ask him for her happiness as well, since she knows it will be denied. All her life others have been taking decisions for her, and she has had no problem following them either. But there are also times when she wants to do things she likes which is exactly what she has done now.
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Illogical it may seem. So be it. But Anjali's love for Shyam is the sweetest and purest thing on the show. She knew there were glasses on the carpet after the first prick, but she still walked ahead because to her, the safety of the man she loved was more important. Of course its another matter altogether that he is totally unworthy of that love. Otherwise what sort of a man would watch a woman suffer right in front of his eyes and not feel an iota of guilt in his heart? Totally unknown to all, he has tried to kill and harm her so many times earlier as well. What does that go to indicate? That a woman who loves with all her heart is always unlucky in love? Is love an act of tact and conspiracy? Shocking!!

Anjali lost her baby last night. I don't know whether I am happy or sad. I have mixed feelings. Mainly because, I really didn't want her to carry anything related to Shyam forward in her life anymore, and the baby would have become that excuse. The insensitive wretch actually went to the extent of using even an innocent unborn baby to his advantage. God knows how much more he has up his sleeve? Is all he needs money and financial security? Does nothing else matter to him? I am in fact curious to know why he married her in the first place.

He stole Anjali's credit cards, fit cameras in the house and finally tampered with the electricity board! He watched her wince in pain and only had a sinister smile on his face all along. I am now beginning to turn numb to his existence, because hating him is causing me a lot of heart burn! I am only afraid, this miscarriage will prove to be the last nail in the coffin with Anjali taking a call on all issues in life or it will turn her into an irretrievable wreck!

I am also curious to know what effect this will have on Arnav and Anjali's relationship. Will she turn so paranoid that the brother will be forced to put his lady love aside for a while ? We are yet to have the revelation of Khushi's mother's past. Arnav has clearly seen the effect of the other woman in his father's life and what it did to his mother, knowing this would he allow the same for his sister? What if Shyam succeeds in his plans is forced to come back into the house? What call will Arnav take? Will he think like me and make the ban on Shyam's entry into Shantivan a law?

We know the Arnav Singh Raizada doesn't hesitate twice before going that extra mile for his sister. Will he sacrifice his love once more for the sake of his sister's well being and happiness? Or even if he doesn't, will we see Anjali walk into Shyam's Den out of her free will saying she is now sick of all the pain in her life and she wants to be happy and its only her husband who can provide for her much to everyone's dismay and shock?

Again at crossroads are we? Lets see where to from here!

Written by: Niharika Vidya Sagar

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